Year 6 Tickle the Ivories at their Piano Recital

Five of our Year 6 students dazzled parents and friends with their piano playing in their Spring recital this Sunday.  They are all learning the piano with teacher Wendy Hayward of the Celestial Music Studio.  Some have been having lessons for a few years, others have just started.  It was a very entertaining event with a variety of pieces celebrating their range of playing abilities.

There was a large audience and I know some of the children felt apprehensive before playing, but their confidence blossomed as they played, and their efforts were appreciated by encouraging claps and support. Well done to all the pianists!  I’m sure that you all felt very proud of your achievements. Keep practising and enjoying this wonderful instrument and let us know when your next recital will take place. [Read more…]

Provo Primary TCI Youth Chorale Singers

Two of our students are enthusiastic members of the TCI Youth Chorale who performed on Saturday afternoon at the Edward Gartland Youth Centre. Singing together as a choir and also performing solos, they amazed the audience with their talented voices. It was great to hear the song, ‘A Friend Like Me’ again from our Christmas Show, ‘Cinderella Rockerfella’. It was sung beautifully and brought back a flood of happy memories

Congratulations to all the choir for a very entertaining performance. Well done also to piano teacher Wendy, vocal coach Addison and supporter Marilyn, and thank you for all your efforts and dedication in providing this opportunity for our youth.

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Dancescapes 2011

Today, we had a return visit to the school from dance students of the University of Las Vegas (UNLV). This is the third time that TCFAF has brought them to the island and we feel very fortunate that during their time here, they been able to visit the school and amaze and inspire us with their passion for dance.

Louis Kavouras, chair of the UNLV Department of Dance, started the session by encouraging the children express their views on “What is Dance?”  The dance students then went on to demonstrate Ballet, Contemporary and Jazz routines and the children commented on what they liked about each piece.

Over the week, many of our Year 1 – 4 children, have participated in after-school TCFAF workshops with the dance students, going on to perform in the ‘Dancescapes 2011’ community performances on Friday and Saturday night. It was wonderful to see the children enjoying themselves so much, feeling confident in their dance expression as they joined in with routines and displayed their own creative ideas. Miss Shara and her Bowen Dance Company also performed with three of our talented ex Provo Primary students. The highlight of the performance was the ‘Sea of Stars’ which was created after Louis was inspired by the clear night skies above the ocean here in Provo.

We would like to thank Louis and the UNLV Dance students for bringing us their message of dance and for inspiring us.  A huge thank you to TCFAF as well, for sponsoring this event and enabling us to participate and open our eyes and hearts to the diversity of the Arts.

Scholastic Bonus Point Books Arrive!

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Each time a book is bought through our Scholastic Book Club, the school gains bonus points that can use to buy addition books and resources.  Using the 34,000 bonus points we have earned so far, the children and teachers have chosen and ordered lots of new books and resources for their classes.  In less than a week, nearly all of it has already arrived, and there was great excitement in our Celebration Assembly today when each class was presented with their own box of goodies.  Everyone was keen to look at their new books and start reading! 

The children and teachers would like to thank everyone who has helped to raise the bonus points that have been used to buy these books.  The Scholastic Book Club has been a great success and we would like to take this opportunity to thank Bonita for all the hard work she has put into organising and running this for us.  Look out for your May and June catalogues in the next couple of weeks and start ordering your summer holiday reading books!

TCI Red Cross Red and White Day

All the children celebrated National Red Cross Week with a special red and white dress down day and raised $83 to pass on to our local Red Cross organisation.

Red Cross Week commemorates the birth of Henry Dunant, the founder, the man who first started the Red Cross, on 8th May 1828. Henry’s idea was to create a group of people who would help people during man-made wars and natural disasters.  They would be neutral and help people on both sides of a war and wouldn’t take side.  The Red Cross is a signal to people that help is on its way.  Today, the Red Cross help people in lots of different ways.  There is a team of volunteers that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to respond to everyday emergencies.

This week highlights the work of the Red Cross here in the Turks and Caicos Islands, and aims to raise funds for their work with communities at risk from natural and man-made disasters and emergencies.  Here in the TCI, the Red Cross help us with hurricane preparedness and are on hand to help people with disaster relief.  They also provide first aid training and supplies and have a thrift store which helps raise funds.