Soccer frenzy at the Inter-Primary Tournament

Congratulations to both our boys and girls soccer teams who played fantastically in the inter-school tournament.

Our primary goal was to have fun and to do our best and they certainly achieved this.  There was some great goal keeping, super tackles and passes and some stunning goals to entertain the cheering crowd who “oohed” and “ahhed” and supported from the sidelines. We even won the MVP in the boys competition.

The girls came 3rd in their group and played extremely well, each game becoming more confident and determined, winning their final game 4-1.  The boys made it all the way to the finals, displaying great soccer skills and passion.  They kept their heads up high and kept trying until the final whistle, losing 1-4 in the finals.

We are very proud of how each player embraced the challenges of each game, keeping up their team spirit, sportsmanship and, above all, their enjoyment of taking part throughout the whole tournament.

Thank you to our parent team coaches and to all of you who came to show your support.  “Go, Provo Primary!”  Thanks also to TCIFA for organising the tournament and well done to all the schools and boys and girls who took part.

Click on to see more photos of the action…

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EYFS Spring Bonnets and PTA Egg Hunt

Traditionally, we end our Spring Term with a bonnet parade and PTA Egg Hunt. The younger children in the school amazed us all with their egg-stremely creative Spring Bonnets. What a lot of work must have gone into some of these. I’m sure the children enjoyed making them and showing them to everyone! Both young and old across the school, enjoyed hunting for eggs in our traditional Egg Hunt and we thank the PTA for organising this much-loved event.

Garden Art Wall Mural

The Garden Art Club is very proud to present their finished mural on our garden wall.  They chose the theme of ‘under the sea’ and worked independently to research ideas for sea creature images.  The designs were transferred onto the wall using chalk and then the painting began.  They worked so well together when it came to painting the images, sharing equipment, ideas and helping each other to complete each part of the mural.

To further add colour to our garden this term the club has also been busy planting new seeds. They have planted different types of lettuce and tomatoes, beetroot, pac-choi, radish, sapodilla, and a mystery fruit too! They are doing such a good job remembering to water them every day and with looking after our bananas too. Well done Garden Art people, you’ve been real stars!!!

Click on to see all the talented artists at work.

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Steel Drums ‘In the Mood” to “Wipeout”

School ended with a swing today, with an amazing performance by our Steel Drum Band.  They wowed everyone with their performances of “Don’t Worry” by Bob Marley, “In the Mood” by Glen Miller, and “Wipeout” by The Surfaris.   Our 7 year old drummer, mesmerized the crowd with his drum solos and the steel drummers, all aged between 8 and 10 played their hearts out.  With the audience clapping, cheering, dancing and singing along – it was fantastic way to see out the Spring term.

Steel Drum teacher, Brentford Handfield, was very pleased with the children’s performance and has been amazed at how quickly the children have learned new songs he has introduced this term.

Next term, we look forward to hear more new songs, building up to performances on the beach at the annual Fool’s Regatta and on the stage at our End of Year Assembly. Click on to see a video of ‘In the Mood”.

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TCI Hospital Doctors on Call

Today we had a visit from two enthusiastic UK medical students, Alex and Bella, who are here on island working at the Hospital.  Together they visited each class in the school, talking about studying to be a doctor, answering questions and showing the children some of their medical equipment.

The children asked lots of questions and especially enjoyed having a go at using the different medical equipment on each other.  Many expressed their desire to work in the medical field in the future and the older children appreciated the opportunity that this gave them to finding out more about the study and work involved.

For our youngest children, visiting the doctor can sometimes be a scary experience, especially when you are not feeling well and it is an unfamiliar environment.  Meeting the doctors here at school, they felt confident and at ease to ask lots of questions.  Alex and Bella’s friendly and kind nature soon won them over and it was great to see them taking the time to help to reassure some of the children of their fears.

We would like to thank Interhealth Canada TCI for allowing Bella and Alex to come and visit us.  They have been a great inspiration to many children – who knows, perhaps they will work alongside Bella and Alex in the future!  Click on to see more photos of their visit…

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Our Sleep Week Storytelling Evening

Our much-loved storytelling evening returned this week, as part of our ‘Be Healthy – Sleep Week’.  Dressed in Pyjamas and cuddling their favourite bedtime toys, the children arrived and settled down for an evening of tales. David Bowen, our Director of Cultural started the evening, theatrically telling a story to all, accompanied by his bongo drum.  He enthralled the audience with a Caribbean tale that, very appropriately, emphasized the importance of a good night’s sleep!  Then it was off to night-time ambient classrooms for some further stories told by teachers and volunteer storytellers, together with a cup of milk and a cookie.

Bedtime stories offer a superb opportunity to establish a daily routine. Parents and children often live extremely busy lives. There are many responsibilities that must be attended to throughout the day, such as work, school, chores, errands, extracurricular activities, homework, cooking, and similar types of events. Once the day has calmed and is approaching its end, children and parents alike can be comforted by the fact that they get to spend a little quality time together. In addition to this, children benefit greatly from some sort of daily routine in their lives.

Reading together is also an important element to a child’s success in reading and creativity, and a time in which parents and children can spend enjoying each other’s company, and sharing love for one another. It is a process in which many special memories are created, as well as a time when children can pay special attention to the story, the characters, the plot, and the lessons that can be learned from the story that they are listening to.

Our storytelling evening was a great success and we hope that it will have inspired all of our parents to continue to incorporate bedtime stories into their child’s life.

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Keeping Healthly – Sleep Week

What’s happening here – was our Year 4/5 class really fast asleep in the middle of class!

Well, every term we have a ‘Keeping Healthy’ theme week.  This term the focus was on the importance of sleep and why we need sleep to keep us healthy, happy, and doing our best! Throughout the week all the classes explored the theme through a range of activities. Some classes kept sleep diaries to monitor just how many hours of sleep they actually get, some designed their ‘dream’ bed and others worked together with other classes to create posters to pass on facts and information.

The children in the photo above aren’t really asleep.  One of the activities was to take photos of yourself sleeping in unusual places and this is one of the many poses that the children came up with!

If you would like to know more information about the importance of sleep and just how many hours are advised for children, we recommend this great website:  Sleep for Kids.  It’s jam packed with great ideas and activities too!

April Fool!

The JK and Preschool teachers and children played an April Fool joke on each other today.  To the shock and horror of the children, they saw their teachers eating paint and enjoying it!  Their faces and reactions were a picture to see.  The teachers had secretly mixed up some special purple paint, made from yoghurt and colouring.  After explaining the trick, all the children enjoyed eating the yummy paint and then tricked Miss Claire Marie who couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw them eating it! Click on to see the children’s surprised faces on the photos.

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PJ Day and Breakfast Donations

To mark the start of our ‘Keeping Healthy – Sleep Week’ the children came in their Pyjamas for Dress Down Day.  What a wonderful variety of bedtime fashions we saw!

Donations of much needed breakfast items were collected for the Provo Children’s Home (PCH).  Bloneva Green Williams, the PCH Chair of the Board of Directors, came and thanked the children for their support and, in keeping with the theme of the day, she wore her Pyjamas too!

Thank you to everyone for your kind support and donations.