Learning about TCI Culture

A series of visits from Our Director of Culture, David Bowen, brought learning about TCI Culture alive with a fascinating exploration of artifacts, together with singing of songs and the retelling of personal stories and experiences of his life growing up on Grand Turk. Each class had two captivating sessions with David and learned so much through this hands on, multi-sensory experience.  They particularly loved hearing the stories of his life as a boy and discovering about the different artifacts.

Thank you David, for sharing your time and knowledge with us and for making learning about TCI Culture such so fun and interesting.

Click on to see more more photos.

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Frolicking on our Lovely New Field

Wow – what great fun we had – playing soccer, skipping, running, racing, jumping, throwing, catching, rolling, relaxing and joining together for parachute games!  Our Preschool and Junior Kindergarteners are certainly enjoying our amazing new grass field!

Thank You for Our Wonderful New Grass Field

Our new grass field is ready for use and it was with great excitement that we gathered as a school to open it and try it out!

This grass is a much awaited, much needed and much appreciated new addition.  It will be used by all children throughout the school, every day.  The children expressed that their palms and knees were most thankful – the old rock surface wasn’t very forgiving when it came to falls and falling on this will be a delight in comparison!

The words the children in the photo above spell out say it all – everyone at Provo Primary wants to pass on a huge thank you to everyone who has helped make the dream of this grass area become a reality.  It will be enjoyed for many years to come!

World Maths Day

It was World Maths Day today and we were all excited to take part, logging on to our Mathletics accounts and going head to head answering Mental Maths questions with other children around the world.  With up to 50,000 children from countries near and far, all online at the same time,  it really did feel like we were uniting the world in numbers!  The count was over 333,330,000 correct answers by the end of our school day, although many children said they would be going on again at home to raise the number even higher.  I wonder what the final total will be…?  Well done everyone!