It’s mid term and all the children are at home, so what’s all that noise coming from the school playground? Yeah…it’s the digger preparing the ground for our new artificial grass soccer pitch. With most of the work being done over the mid term break, we hope to blow the whistle to start our first game on our new pitch early next week. It’s wonderful to see this project final breaking ground – quite literally! Say goodbye to the hard, rocky, painful surface and look forward to a softer, level, kind-on-the-knees, grass one.
Kindergarten Set Sail in Search of Iguanas
To celebrate the end of their dinosaur topic our Kindergarten children took the short boat ride to Little Water Cay in search of rock iguanas. Although not actually dinosaurs, these lizards, which are endemic to our islands, do conjure up images of prehistoric life when you see them close up.
The Turks and Caicos Rock Iguana is a protected species. They are primarily herbivores and feed on berries, leaves and fruit, occasionally supplementing this diet with insects. They live and sleep in shallow burrows they dig in loose sand or under rocks. In the morning they emerge from their burrows and bask in the sun before going off to feed. At midday, when the sun is the hottest, they retreat into the shade to avoid overheating.
On Little Water Cay the National Trust has built a boardwalk pathway. Accompanied by a guide, the children followed the trail, saw the iguanas at close range and learned all about them and why they are so special to our islands.
Thank you to everyone who helped make this exciting and interesting trip possible. Click on to see some photos of their adventure.
The Best Things Come to those Who Weight!
Last week, the Year 1/2 class carried out an experiment which involved a big bucket of water, playdough boats and golden pebbles. The children were investigating how changing the shape of a material that sinks in water can help it to float.
The children were each given a ball of playdough, which when they first put in the water, sank straight to the bottom of the bucket. They came up with the idea of molding the playdough into a boat shape, which they discovered allowed the playdough to float. Once it was in the water, they tested to see how many golden pebbles it could hold before it sank.
Click below to see more photos of the children experimenting, to see what they learned and how many pebble weights their boats could carry.
Year 4 Math Investigations
My Year 4 Math group has been busy investigating and problem solving these past few weeks. From testing statements and finding rules when doing calculations involving odd and even numbers, to exploring symmetry and 3D shapes and their nets, to finding the area and perimeter of rectangles and squares and seeing patterns in their results. I am really proud of each of the children’s efforts, their team work skills and how they have been applying their mathematical skills to all our investigations. We hope you enjoy sharing in their learning by watching this slideshow. Please also feel welcome to come and find out more about what they have discovered and to have a go at some of activities yourself.
Calling all Kindergarten Parents!
This afternoon, the Kindergarten class invited their parents in to their classroom to show and share with them some of their favourite parts.
Miss Tracy and Ms. Myrna loved seeing the children show so much enthusiasm, happiness and confidence while reading their levelled classroom books and journals to their parents, giving tours of their dinosaur museum, playing favourite Literacy and Numeracy computer games, showing off their awards and explaining how they stay on the ball—one of our classroom displays to encourage helpfulness.
Please read on to enjoy some pictures of the children sharing their learning with their parents at this lovely ‘Open House’ event. What a special time it was!
Number Crunching for World Math Day
Across the school, children are busily preparing to participate in World Math Day which will take place on Tuesday 1st March, during our Math Week. Our aim is that all the children from Kindergarten to Year 6 will have a turn to play live games of mental arithmetic against other children around the world, adding points to the World Maths Day Mathometer – uniting people in numbers.
If you want to do some extra practise at home, simply go to and sign in using you regular Mathletics login and password. For those of you with iphones, itouches and ipads, here is a link to a free app to download on itunes.
Since adopting the Mathletics online Maths programme last term we have seen many children taking full advantage of this resource and practising their mathematics skills at home. All the children from K to 6 have a weekly opportunity to use Mathletics at school, and teachers have seen the benefits of being able to assign tasks to children to review topics followed at school and to support individual needs. The children have really taken to this programme and we have already seen some silver awards being achieved by children.
Want some extra spelling homework? There’s also a World Spelling Day on Wednesday 3rd March and you can practise and complete using your Mathletics login and there’s even an app to download for that too!
Kindergarten's New Listening Centre
This term, Kindergarten has added a new element to their Literacy programme – they have opened a Listening Centre! Every two weeks or so, the books and activities will change depending on what they are focusing on in class. So far, the children have enjoyed listening and reading a dinosaur story called ‘A Long Time Ago’. After listening and reading, they have rated how much they liked the book and drawn a picture of their favourite part.
It’s been a fun and quiet Literacy activity that the children are have really taken to. Click on to look at some pictures to see how much fun Kindergarten is having!
Selling Like Hot Cakes!
A big thank you to everyone who helped support our Year 6 Bake Sale. What a delicious choice of cakes and cookies there were. We certainly have some talented bakers and generous cake buyers in our community.
Well done to our Year 6 and their parents for organising and running the stall and to Miss Cara as well. A big thank you, also, to the IGA supermarket for allowing us to set up outside their store.
Year 6 Baking Bread in DT
Year 6 started their Design Technology topic on making bread last week by baking oatmeal breakfast bread and raisin swirl bread. With two talented bakers, Miss Cara and parent volunteer Caren, to guide them, they followed the recipes and worked superbly as a team to measure, mix, kneed and roll all the ingredients together. They even did the washing up! This was all great practise for their bake sale later in the week, although these two baked goods never quite made it to the sale…mmm…delicious!
Click on to see a gallery of photos of the class busy baking and to learn more about this bread making topic.
[Read more…]
Year 2’s Traditional Tales
Recently, Year 2 have learned all about traditional tales and have even written some of their own. The children really enjoyed reading and listening to the traditional tales and particularly enjoyed going on a hunt to find more traditional stories on their own. The children loved it when they found examples of traditional stories in their own home, or in the school library.
School Photo Video Shoot
When we had our school photos a few weeks ago, one of the photographers brought his video camera and put together a short video piece of the shoot. It certainly brings photo day alive! See the video on the Brilliant by Tropical Imaging Blog.
Thanks guys, such a novel idea that we know will be absolutely loved by children, parents and relations around the world.
Preschool and Junior Kindergarten
Junior Kindergarten and Preschool have had a fantastic term so far! If your child is a red bike lover, pirate or a chef, the outside area is a place where the children have enjoyed the freedom to explore, play with water and use their imaginations.
Our topic ‘All About Me’ has been lots of fun so far! Come and see our spectacular ‘Mini Me’ display – all the children and teachers have been captured in art….find us on the walls! The children loved learning all about the 5 senses making giant senses and while Junior Kindergarten made sound shakers, the Preschool loved smelling different scents. They all loved making lemonade and popcorn – tasting, listening and smelling things was fun!
More recently they have focused on learning about health and growing, and the talk of the week, has been Valentines Day – the Preschool class have adored making ‘marbled hearts’ and the Junior Kindergarten made ‘heart pillows’…and everyone enjoyed giving them to those they love 😉
Smile and Say Cheese!
It was school photo day last week and with all the children in the school’s individual, sibling and class photos to take that’s a lot of photos!
Here is an image you won’t see when you see the final prints. It’s some of the Brilliant by Tropical Imaging’s team, hard at work taking the shots.
Photo day is a busy day but with a great team effort it runs smoothly and is a lot of fun. A big thank you to everyone involved – once again some amazing smiles, captured of some amazing children, taken by some amazing photographers!
To see a selection of the photos, please go to the Brilliant by Tropical Imaging website and parents, don’t forget to order your copies by14th Feb.
We're Going Bananas about Growing Bananas!
We are all excited to discover that one of our banana plants has a big purple flower and lots of small green bananas developing on it. Each banana is called a ‘finger’ and they grow in a group called a ‘hand’.
As you can imagine we are ‘going bananas’ with the thought of eating our own home grown bananas, but we won’t be rushing out immediately to buy the ice cream to make banana splits, it may take another couple of months for the bananas to fully ripen!
Our banana plants, along with some papaya trees, were kindly donated to the school by a local company, Environmental Arts, who helped set up our garden environment. We’ll keep taking a close look and watching out to see if we have more fruit growing in the near future.
Do feel welcome to come in and look at the garden for yourselves and to see our growing bananas.
Skipping School?
You won’t want to miss this…skipping is all the rage at Provo Primary this term with children young and old skipping forwards, backwards, while running and turning. There’s even Double Dutch and French Skipping – Ooh la la! With ropes circling at playtimes, lunchtimes and PE lessons, it’s certainly creating lots of giggles and smiles while keeping the children active with hearts pumping and plenty of exercise. Click on to read more and to find links to some great skipping websites.
Many, Many Years Ago in Ancient Greece…
Years 4 and 5 wrote their own myths and kindly invited Year 3 to share the reading of them. Year 3 were so impressed with their stories that were full of magical events, scary slimy creatures, impossible tasks and brave heroes, that they were inspired to also write their own myths. Year 3 would like to pass on a big thank you to Years 4/5. They would also like to return the invite and have more fun shared reading next week – this time with their myths.
Kindergarten Explores the Land of the Dinosaurs!
As part of their new topic for this half term, Kindergarten has become emerged in learning and exploring all about dinosaurs! In the past few weeks they have read lots of dinosaur books and come up with dinosaur facts. They have made a dinosaur word wall to help them with all of their journaling and painted really amazing and realistic dinosaurs pictures. They have created a dinosaur museum and acted as tour guides to the visiting Year 3 class.
Making deviled dinosaur eggs was really yummy! Learning all about estimation and ordinal numbers with the help from their toy dinosaurs was really fun. The sand table has become an excavation site where the children have enjoyed digging and sorting dinosaurs and they have even become palaeontologists, uncovering a possible dinosaur fossil in our school yard!
It has been a fun few weeks! Come and take a look at their wonderful dinosaur museum and dinosaur jungles-there are plenty of dinosaur experts and tour guides who would love to show and share their knowledge and excitement with you!
Lego Building Secrets Revealed
‘It was the best day of my life, so far!” said one of the three boys who enjoyed an afternoon of Lego fun this weekend with ex-Legoland model builder, Jamie. Jamie has an amazing Lego collection and during the afternoon shared some of his secrets to Lego building. They all agreed that making this animation above was the highlight, so read on to find out how they made it and what else they got to learn.
Fundraising frenzy for Year 6!
After a restful break, Year 6 have come back raring to go! With a ton of school entrance exams coming their way, the children are eager to raise the necessary funds for an end of year trip as celebration/ reward for completing a tough final year at primary school. Parents very kindly donated their time to detailed discussion of how to reach this end goal. The result of which was a plan for a smorgasbord of fundraising fun!
The first event takes place on Saturday 5th February from 5pm until 8pm and is an old favourite-the ‘Quiz night.’ A fantastic opportunity to pit your wits against family and friends!
Following closely on; a Talent show. bake sale, movies and much more are all in the pipeline so watch this space!!