Happy Holidays

Thank you for all your support and kind festive thoughts, cards and gifts.

A special thank you to all of our wonderful PTA members for all their hard work throughout the year.

Wishing all of you and your families lots of fun holiday memories and a peaceful, happy and prosperous New Year.

See you again on Tuesday 11th January, 2011.

"Santa, I Have A Hat Just Like Yours!"

Santa came to visit us today bringing every child in the school a gift.  All the children went out to greet him as he arrived, not by sleigh, but on a shiny red fire engine, with flashing lights and loud sirens blaring.  Santa knows that all the children at Provo Primary school LOVE reading, so each year he brings a library of wrapped books in his sack.  THANK YOU SANTA and happy reading everyone!

Jingle Bells & Busy Busy Bethlehem

The Early Years children entertained one and all last night with their wonderful end of term show.  The Preschoolers were delightful in their bright red festive costumes shaking their bells as they sung Jingle Bells.  This was followed by the Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten’s nativity play, ‘Busy, busy, Bethlehem’.  With wonderful stage decorations, stunning costumes and cheerful singing, the audience were captivated and enthralled.  Well done everyone on a fantastic show!  See highlights of the show in the movie above.

Christmas Problem Solving

Our Year 6 and Year 4 level Math groups got together this week to work on some Christmas problem solving.  The Year 6 took on the role of teachers, supporting the Year 4s.  They prepared their lessons carefully, thinking through how they would help and encourage their partners to work through each problem, logically and methodically, using a range of strategies.  Everyone enjoyed the experience and the room was a buzz of activity.

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Year 6 Pack Groceries at Local Supermarket

Year 6 took part in a festive bag-pack at IGA on Tuesday the 14th of December. On a quest to raise money for a trip to Washington D.C in the summer, the children have been racking their brains for as many different fund-raising ideas as possible. The trip is a once in a lifetime chance for the children to visit some of the most important historical sites in U.S.A. history as well as being a well-deserved treat after all their hard work in numerous exams this year.

From 16.30 – 18.30 the children worked extremely hard, packing bags for customers. It was a busy time of day for the supermarket and they were often faced with long queues, however the children did Provo Primary proud with huge smiles and polite and friendly attitudes. It was a fantastic learning experience for the children, letting them practice good communication skills as well as being their very first opportunity to work for money.  The children amazed Miss Cara by fostering mature and independent behaviour well ahead of their age.

At the end of the bag-pack, all were tired but enthusiastic about their experience. IGA staff were effervescent in their praise of the children’s efforts and eager for them to come back whenever desired!

Cinderella and Rockerfella

Our end of term panto, Cinderella and Rockerfella, was a smash hit.  The audience thoroughly enjoyed the show,  laughing and cheering at the goodies and booing and hissing at the baddies.  We are all very proud of our talented actors, singers and dancers who captivated and impressed everyone with their outstanding performance.

Thank you to everyone who helped us put on this amazing extravaganza.  The best panto in Provo this year, it will be remembered by all involved for many years to come!

Please enjoy this movie capturing the highlights of the show – at a full length of over an hour and half it was tricky to fit everything in, though I wished I could! Let’s hope it doesn’t take too long to download – be patient – it’ll be worth it!