Where’s Simon, Sandy? – Storytime

Donna Seim, author of ‘Where’s Simon, Sandy?’ came once again to visit us and share with us her wonderful story about a local, Grand Turk, donkey that wouldn’t quit.  Children in JK through to Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed the story and took the opportunity to ask Donna lots of interesting questions about it and about being an author.  David Bowen, our Director of Culture, accompanied her, bringing his trusty blow-horn conch shell with him. What a noisy shell it is!

Donna’s book won a ‘Mum’s Choice Award’ last year and certainly got the thumbs up from our children.  Thank you again,  Donna.

Donna has also worked hard to connect our school with a school back in her home town in Newburyport,  Massachusetts.  Children there wrote penpal letters to our Years 2, 3 and 4 children and they have written back to them.  Unfortunately, our letters are still travelling in the post.  Fingers crossed they won’t take too much longer to arrive.  We look forward to our next letters and seeing Donna again the next time she comes down to visit.

Sketching with my Buddy!

Searching though some recent photos, I was drawn to this one.  How great to see two buddies, sitting on a rock together in the playground, doing some nature sketching together.   Their teacher, Miss Tracy said that as part of their minibeast topic, the class had been out on a nature walk with Mrs. Catherine around the school yard to look for minibeast homes.  The children had also brought out their books and found quiet areas to sketch and colour. Afterwards, they talked about what they had drawn and labelled their pictures.  Many of the children found leaves with holes in them and speculated that perhaps it was a caterpillar that had made them. Well… they have been learning a lot about caterpillars this week!

Celebrating Successes

One of the many highlights of my job as principal is when there’s a knock at my door, and some smiley faces appear, eager to share with me the outstanding work they’ve been doing in class.

Today, it was these two boys who had worked really well together in their Year 2 Numeracy class.  They excitedly shared how they had created their own two-digit addition sentences by playing a card game and showed me the strategy they used to find their answers.   They then went on to check their answers on a calculator and were pleased to announce that their brains were quicker than it!

At the end, I got the opportunity to share a new strategy for them to take back to share with their class and off they went.

I wonder who will be knocking on my door tomorrow, allowing me to share in their learning and celebrating their successes?

Different Ways of Making 7

Year one demonstrated some amazing problem solving skills in their Numeracy class today.  Games and challenges involved them finding different ways of making 7.  They used a variety of addition and subtraction strategies, lots of mathematical vocabulary and were encouraged to record their findings in their own individual way.

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Play the Steel Drums Online!

The steel drums are a much loved part of our school.  We currently have two after school steel band clubs.  In the club, the children learn how to play the drums and play tunes together.  They often practise during their playtimes and lunchtimes.  We have found some digital steel drums that you can play on the Internet.   Click on to find the links and have a go… [Read more…]