Santa’s Here!

Santa arrives on the Fire Truck from Provo Primary School on Vimeo.

Santa came to visit the school today, arriving on a shiny fire truck.  This is a special Christmas tradition at the school that the children always look forward to on the last day of term.  Everyone gathers in the car park and awaits the sound, not of sleigh bells, but of the fire engine siren, announcing Santa’s arrival.

Excitement builds as the truck draws nearer and the welcoming smiles, claps and cheers reach fever pitch as he parks and climbs out of the truck with his bulging present sack on his back.  He is then eagerly followed into the school by the ecstatic crowd. He sits himself down on our outside stage and the classes comes out in turn to visit him, each child receiving a gift from his sack.  He always brings everyone a book, for he is a clever Santa who knows that learning to read and enjoying reading is very important.

All the children also got the chance to go on the fire truck – a big thank you to the members of the Turks and Caicos Fire Department for letting everyone take a closer look at the truck and for helping transport Santa to us. “Why does he come on the fire truck?” asked one of our five year olds.  I wonder what Santa said…perhaps you’ll leave us a comment and say what you think he replied!

See you next year, Santa and thank you for stopping by!


Sharing Christmas Lunch Together


It was lovely to gather together as a school today to enjoy our annual traditional Turkey Lunch.  The children made special decorated place mats and listened to Christmas music as they munched away.  A special thank you to Robin and his staff for cooking the lunch and all of the school lunches this term.

Christmas Show Extravaganza!

Watch a slideshow showing some of the highlights our fantastic Christmas Extravaganza.  Our Preschool children flew on to the stage as beautiful Christmas birds, flapping their wings and dancing and singing to some Christmas action songs.  Junior Kindergarten were dressed as red-nosed reindeer and thoroughly entertained the audience with their jingling bell ringing, action songs and rhymes.

Kindergarten and Year 1 performed a play called ‘Christmas with the Aliens’.  The traditional Christmas story was retold to some alien visitors whose spaceship had broken down on earth.  With stunning costumes and wonderful singing and speaking voices, these confident performers amazed the audience with their talent.

What a show!  Well done everyone – a splendid success and great fun to watch.

Bob the Elf – Christmas around the World


Years 2 to 7 put on a fantastic end of term show this week.  Audiences were amazed and thoroughly entertained by the extremely talented dancers, singers, musicians and actors.  Some say it was the best Provo Primary Christmas Show to date!  See a slideshow of the main highlights.

Bob (the littlest elf) was rather disgruntled as she didn’t understand the true meaning of Christmas. So clever Santa decided to take her with him on his sleigh and show her all the wonderful things that happen around the world at this special time of year.

We’d like to thank all the children, staff and parents whose combined hard work and efforts have produced this wonderful show and a big thank you to Krys for these wonderful photos.

Mother Nature's Beautiful Patterns


Year 2 have been looking at patterns in ‘mother nature’. Take a look at a slideshow of their pencil, computer and printed patterns.

First they went on an adventure walk down to “Flamingo Pond”.  There they collected lots of natural materials.

Using magnifying glasses they looked carefully at the patterns that they found in the collected natural materials. They learned how to use pencils in different ways and copied some of the patterns they could see.

Later, they used these patterns to test their ‘control’ skills on the computer and re-created their original natural designs using the different tools in the ‘Paint’ program.

After this they cut an orange in half and looked carefully at the beautiful natural design inside (Then they ate it…yummy!!!)  Again, using their new found pencil skills they made a template of the patterns that they found and used the template to create a print, (Cor!  This bit was really exciting!)

Finally, they used all of their studies and produced a ‘mother nature’ collage.  We think they turned out great… who would have thought there were so many patterns in all the natural things around us!