Halloween Party 2009


Once again our Halloween Party was a haunting success and the costumes amazing.  It was a great evening of fun.  Here is a thank you message from our organisers, the Gypsy and Corps Bride:

A very big thank you to everyone, both parents and kids who helped to make this night a success.

We would like to thank you all for donating the fabulous prizes, candies,  decorations, lights and much, much  more  for the Halloween party.  We could not have done it without your help, in the day decorating the school beforehand, and on the night serving at the bar and the food stalls and with running the games.  Thank you to Christal for the donation of the Pirates Rum and a special thank you to Chef Fritz  for the delicious fried rice.  Thank you to Juergen and Richard for helping with the Haunted House and the Friends of the Arts for lending us some of the decorations.

Thank you to Mrs. Stephanie for dealing with our emails and more and Miss Sian for letting us take over the school for the night.  We appreciate the teachers for giving us their Saturday night to help with the games and also for making decorations with their classes – they were awesome!  Thank you also to the Flamingo Park residents for making Trick-or-Treat possible.

And finally, a special thank to the Sunday morning clean up crew –  you guys rock!

Hope you all had fun!

Greetings from the Gypsy and Corps Bride.

It’s ‘Orange and Black’ Dress Down Day!


On the last Friday of every month we have a ‘Dress Down Day.  Everyone get the opportunity to not wear school uniform for the day.  Sometimes there is a theme, sometimes it’s free choice.  Everyone is encouraged to donate a dollar to participate.   We use the money to support a local or international charity.  The School Council is currently deciding what to collect the money for this year.  This month’s Dress Down theme was ‘Orange and Black’ as it was so close to Halloween.  Thank you everyone for your continued support.

Year 1 Enjoy Using Computer Technology


Across the curriculum, our two Year 1 classes are making full use of the computer technology available to them. They have used the computers and new eno interactive whiteboard (IWB) in the Year 1 adjoining classrooms.  They have also visited the computer suite and used the computers and the IWB in there.  See a slideshow of them busy at work.

In Numeracy, an interactive hundred square was projected onto the IWB.  The children looked at number patterns and calculations on this.  They used the IWB pen to click on the numbers and highlighted them in different colours.

In Literacy, they have looked on the Cbeebies website to learn how the ‘Magic Pen’ writes.  They then wrote large letters and numbers using the IWB pen.  Everyone also had the opportunity to use the IWB to draw a large picture. Developing gross motor control using the IWB is great fun!

In History they have used the Internet to find out about toys today and in the past.

Click to see another slideshow of some of the other fun things the Year 1s have been up to.

Music and Scarves

ps-30-09-09Using a set of colourful scarves created a multi-sensory treat for both the Preschooler and Junior Kindergarten classes last week.  They explored both colour and body movements as they enjoyed playing with the scarves while listening to music.  Watch a slideshow of them in action.

A Busy Week for Year 5 in our ICT Suite and Library

y5-ict-lib-10-09Last week Year 5 spent lots of time in the ICT suite for various lessons. On Monday, they were busy taking meal orders for a fictional burger bar, and creating a spreadsheet to enter the data into and work out the class’s meal costs!  On Wednesday they returned there in their geography lesson to research and ultimately produce a fact sheet about Miss Beki’s home town of London. At the end of the lesson she felt they knew more about it than her! They also had digital photography with Mrs Krys, looking at Photoshop and learning how it all worked!

Every Tuesday, Year 5 have a library session where they spend some time thoroughly looking at the fiction and non-fiction books our library has to offer and carefully selecting two for their week’s reading. It also gives Miss Beki a chance to hear everybody read and help the children select books that are suitable for them!  This week we are hoping to put together some book reviews to be displayed!

Ring, Ring… the Telephone keeps ringing in Year 2!


Look out!  The school telephone bill will be very high this month!

During this Literacy lesson the children were asked to express a ‘point of view’ while having a conversation on the phone. As well as putting their thoughts across they had to also listen carefully to what their partner was saying; beginning to learn the essential elements in the art of conversation, thinking and taking account of what others say. Well done Year 2 – this sure looked like a fun lesson!

World Teachers’ Day, A Message From Our Ministry Of Education

teacherOn 5th October 1994, the first World Teachers’ Day was observed. Today, fifteen years later, the world continues to commemorate the day, highlighting the very important role that teachers play in their respective countries, and elsewhere.  Here is a message from our Permanent Secretary, Dr. Beatrice L. Fulford…

[Read more…]

School Council Elections 2009

This week we had our School Council Elections and many children in Years 2-7 took the opportunity to run to be their class representative.  Read on to find out more about the elections and what it takes to be a great School Councillor. [Read more…]