The Raft Race at the Fool’s Regatta

The day of the Fool’s Regatta raft race finally arrived and each team eagerly met at the beach with their raft to make their final preparations. As well as Fastest Raft, prizes were being awarded for Best Design and Best Spirit.

For the “Flame ‘n’ Go’s” team, tensions were running extremely high as they had not had the opportunity to test their boat in the water!  Both other teams had completed their water trials earlier that week and were confident that they would float.  It would all be down to race technique and speed across the water.

The race itself was extremely exciting and closely contested from start to finish.  Watch the video above to see the outcome!  Also, see a slideshow of some superb photos of the day with some fantastic close-ups of the raft race.

A big thank you to the team mentors for coaching and guiding the teams through the process, sourcing materials, and their much needed technical support.   Reported by Mrs. Stefanie.

WIV 4, our local TV station, also made this report on the event.

Our Steel Band at Fool's Regatta

Our Junior and Senior Band entertained the crowd at the Fool’s Regatta with the caribbean sounds of the steel drums.  This was the first public performance for the Junior Band, who have only just started playing together this term.  As always, we were very happy to play at this annual community event and have been doing so for over 13 years.

Building Rafts for the Fool’s Regatta


Earlier this month, we were invited to take part in the raft race at this year’s 19th Fool’s Regatta.    The Fool’s Regatta is one of the social highlights of the year in TCI. It is always a fun event and this year the proceeds will go to the Volunteer Fire Fighters and the new National Sailing Centre.  The emphasis is on the getting the children involved with hobie-cat,  boat, caicos sloop and home-made raft races for all to take part in.

The opportunity to build, decorate and race a raft was a challenge that was eagerly accepted by eighteen of our children from Grades 3 -7. Over a period of two weeks, the children worked in teams after school to see their design move from the drawing board to water.

The “Flame ‘n’ Go’s” team created a spectacular pink and orange craft using an inflatable mattress and plywood; “Peace Out’’ opted for  an extremely lightweight creation made of plastic piping and 8 five gallon water bottles; and “The International Boat”,  our heavy weight contender, consisted of a wooden frame surrounding two extremely large flotation devices.   Look at the slideshow to see the stages of construction. Reported by Mrs. Stefanie.

Grade 1 are Super Spellers!


On Monday June 22nd, the children in the Grade 1 class participated in a Spelling Bee.  It definitely was a nail biter!  The children were tested on a total of eighty words that had been taught in school and practiced at home.

All the children tried their best and did an amazing job!  We definitely have a class of fantastic spellers. I was so proud, as their teacher, to see their pride in knowledge, confidence and enthusiasm.  It’s not easy to stand up and spell words in front of a crowd but they all seemed like pros.  The spelling bee finally came down to two children and the word “satisfy”.

Thank you to all the children and their parents for their hard work in practicing.  The children were so proud and happy to show their spelling skills in front of their parents.  Congrats to Grade 1; you are all spelling champions!

Miss Tracy

Grade 3 Moving Monsters

In Design and Technology Grade 3 explored how to make things move by using ‘pneumatics’ – a force that makes things move by using air.

They decided to design and make monsters with “pneumatic jaws”.  Watch out they may come and bite YOU!

Preschool Dinosaur Dig!

Welcome to the Dinosaur Dig!  A celebration for father’s day honoring all the important men in a child’s life.  We began our gathering by giving these special men a “dinosaur dig hat” and their own large toy dinosaur.  The children then sang and acted out “The Dinosaur March” song.  They also performed their friend’s song in English, Spanish and silently to incorporate sign language.  We then had a dinosaur hunt where the fathers and their child went looking for hidden dinosaurs in the playground.  We concluded our party by giving a handmade bookmark with sentiments of love written on it!  Oh yes and of course a pizza to share!   Miss Evieann

Grade 4 visit the Environmental Centre

g4-environ-centre-1-2009Grade 4 visited the Environmental Centre as part of their Social Studies topic on the Turks and Caicos Islands. They enjoyed finding out about the different types of habitats and animals that live in the TCI.  They also had fun using their saved up Golden Time playing in the Children’s Play Park.  See a slideshow of photos from the day.

Thank You

I want to pass on a big thank you to Shelley, our web hoster, for helping with a recent emergency maintenance update.  We have been unable to access the blog for a couple of weeks and thanks to Shelley, we are back online and will be posting again this week.  Shelley has been a fantastic support over the years, ever since her two children attended the school way back about 9 years ago.  Thanks for all your support and help Shelley – it is very much appreciated.

Grade 2 Colour Poems



Red is a beautiful rose
Red is the colour of a juicy tomato
Red is the colour of a beating heart
Red is wrapping paper that keeps my feelings in
Red is a juicy cherry
Red is the background of my life.


Yellow is the colour of a sweet banana
Yellow is a dandelion
Yellow is stars in the night sky
Yellow makes me shine.


Pink is the colour of an amazing flower
Pink is the colour of my favourite T-shirt
Pink is the colour of a beautiful flamingo flying
Pink is a beautiful fish in the coral reef
Pink is the colour of my favourite book
Pink is my favourite cake icing
Pink is the colour of my favourite pencil
Pink is the colour of my moms lipstick
Pink is the colour inside me.

Appreciation Word Cloud


As part of Teacher Appreciation Week I asked the children to tell me words that best described their teachers. These were made into poems and presented to them in our end of week ‘Celebration Assembly’.  The teachers were touched by all the lovely compliments.

Here is a collection of all their words represented in a ‘word cloud’. The bigger the words, the more children used them. Their appreciation truly speaks for itself!

Thank you everyone for making all the teachers feel appreciated this week. Provo Primary is certainly a very special place to be a part of.

Portraits of our Leaders in the TCI


All of our classes study aspects of the Turks and Caicos Islands (T.C.I) as part of their Social Studies Curriculum. The Grade 2 class did some research about our past and present leaders. They created portraits of each leader using recycled material. These are displayed in the classroom in chronological order. Take a closer look at our leaders on our slideshow.  The music playing is our National Song – ‘This Land of Ours’ written and composed by Reverend Dr. Conrad Howell. Click on to read the words to this song.

[Read more…]

Yummy Teacher Appreciation Breakfast


The teachers were treated to a delicious ‘Teacher Appreciation Breakfast’ this morning provided by a very generous and thoughtful group of parents.  There was a variety of amazing dishes including some scrumptious home-cooked goodies. Thank you – it was all really yummy and thoroughly enjoyed!

Swimming Lessons Start

Swimming lessons for our Kindergarten, Grade One and Two children started last week with great success. The aim of the first session was to assess the children’s confidence, water skills and swimming ability. All the teachers were thoroughly impressed with the children’s efforts and are now ready to further develop the children’s skills in the following weeks. A big thank you to the Turks and Caicos Yacht Club for allowing us to use their beautiful pools. They are perfect for teaching swimming at this level. Also to Carolyn for taking all the photos so that we can all see our children learning this important life skill. Parents, please email the school if you would like the password for the movie above.

It’s Teacher Appreciation Week

teacher-appreciation-2009At Provo Primary School, we think our teachers are very special, they work extremely hard and not only teach, but offer guidance, emotional support, care and many other things to our children. They are a huge part of their lives.

Anybody who has spent any amount of time with a large (or small) group of children will know how exhausting this in itself can be. At the end of the day or the week, teachers are tired, but they still do more.

Sometimes we forget all the extra things that our teachers do. We think of their work day as 8.30-3.00PM with long evenings, weekends and holidays to relax. This is, not entirely true. Teachers often work long hours outside the classroom, planning, preparing or marking work, sorting classroom materials and putting up displays, writing reports, even sorting out cupboards and preparing for hurricanes. All this they do in their own time, at weekends or before and after school.

What normally keeps teachers going is the children. Our reward is seeing them develop from the beginning of the year to the end. The hugs, the pictures, the smiles make our efforts all worthwhile.

This week is a time when we can all appreciate and think about the things that teachers do. Thank them and tell them they’re doing a good job, notice their displays and think about all the love and hard work that they have put into them. Smile and encourage them, when they look tired and understand that it takes a very special person with a kind and unselfish heart to be a teacher, especially one who works at Provo Primary.



Grade 5/6/7s Flower Poetry

Our Grade 5/6/7s were inspired by the beauty of flowers and how they touch our lives with their vibrant colours and tender petals. Here are three of their soul-touching poems …


My beautiful flower,
White like new fallen snow, scent sweet like a lollipop,
Yellow center like the sunset at the end of the day,
Each petal curling like a great teacher’s hair
Laying lightly on her beautiful face.

Three boastful buds, dark purple with yellow dots
Like stars in a never ending night, waiting to be let loose
And see the world around them.

Oh Flower tell me how you feel,
Are you sad or happy, would you wish to be anything but?
I wish to be you, do you wish to be me?

For you are so small and I am so big,
Your buds are patient, waiting, just waiting to be let free,
I know you’ll be as sweet and soft as the one in front of you.


This flower as red as a cherry
Petals like ruffles on a ball gown
With vibrant yellow, in between,
You could pick this flower to say I Love You.

If this flower could talk, what would it say?
Would it be modest? Would it be kind?

If this flower could dance,
Would it dance like a ballerina?
A modern dancer?
A jazz dancer?

If this flower could wish, what would it wish for?
A beautiful world?
Love, like the love of Romeo and Juliet?
Faith, like the faith of a teacher has in her student?

And what about me?
What would this magnificent flower think of me?


A dash of crimson, in a bright flowing gown,
The petals wither on the wind, as detailed as a finger print,
The tree swelters in a molten volcano.

O flower, O flower, what are you feeling?
O flower, O flower, what do you wish?
For you are a touch of radiance in the gloom of the murky forest
You have enough power to bring out the joy in a still tree
You are a phenomenon of dominance.

O flower, O flower, do you feel envy?
O flower, O flower, Never fear because you are phenomenal,
Phenomenal, phenomenal.

This Year’s Yearbooks have Arrived!


Our 2008/2009 Yearbooks arrived today and everyone was eager to collect their copy and immediately started flicking through its colourful, photo-filled  pages. This year we have two yearbooks, a Preschool-Grade 5 book produced by Krys Mann and a Grade 6/7 book produced by the class themselves.  Both are packed full of memories of our year and I am sure they will be enjoyed for years to come.

For the past five years, Krys has worked diligently to put together these amazing books.  The collection is a wonderful record of the children’s time at the school for each family to treasure forever. It is also an amazing historical archive of our successful school, highlighting the happy, creative and holistic approach that we believe compliments our highly academic curriculum.  I am sure that I am joined by many grateful children, parents and teachers in thanking Krys, we all truly appreciate all the hard work, time and effort that you put into creating these for us.

Grade 6/7 Create ‘Six Room’ Poems

g67poetry-june-2009 Six room poems began with students writing a draft on a paper divided into six sections or rooms. In the first room, the students described a strong image of something that they had seen outside in nature. In the second room, they described light and colours associated with their image and in the third room sounds they might have heard. The fourth room was for any questions about their image, the fifth room for writing feelings and the sixth room for repeating words. In the final draft, the students could use any or all the rooms to create a poem. Here are two examples of the stunning six room poems written by the grade 6/7 class.


A beautiful valley down below

A valley with the greenest grass
A field of Welsh flowers so yellow
The surrounding world crowned with radiant light
Smothered in the sound of peace
Speechless by the power of
Nature and its amazing features.


A fire like ball
Sinking into the plains of Africa
Casting its vibrant light onto the land
Creating shadows behind anything in its path,
All you can hear is the brushing of trees,
And the movement of wild animals, taking everything in.
It made me wonder why in Africa the sunset is so unique.
And then it was gone, leaving behind a beautiful bright sky
Full of oranges, reds and yellows.

Grade 1 Visit the Conch Farm


The Grade 1 class has been learning about the different and unique features of the Turks and Caicos Islands. One thing that is very unique is that we have the only conch farms in the world. So off they went to visit on here on Provo.  See a slideshow of photos from their tour.

At the Conch Farm, they were able to see live conch (pronounced ‘konk’) at different ages. They were even able to pick up some two year old conch! After walking by all the pools that contained conch of different ages, they came to the end of their tour. Here they got to pick up and touch Sally and Jerry, the wild (yet trained) adult conch. Some of the children used words like “slimy”, “gross”, “cool”, “wet” and “tough” to describe Sally and Jerry.

The trip to the Conch Farm was a great way for the children to get up close and touch live conch. They highly recommend your family takes a trip out to visit Sally, Jerry and all the other conch!  Thank you to everyone who helped make this trip and tour possible.

Visit the Conch Farm website to learn more.  You can also go to Conch World when you next visit the island of Grand Turk.

Earth Day Tree Growing Well

cheshire-hall-june-2009Our Grade 3 class visited Cheshire Hall today.  Cheshire Hall is a 200 year old Cotton Plantation. It is a  historic site and the ruins are looked after by the National Trust.  The Grade 3’s have been studying the cotton industry as part of their TCI Social Studies curriculum and visiting the site really brought the topic alive.

Whilst at the ruins, the children took the opportunity to check up on the tree that we planted on Earth Day.  They report that our Jamaican Caper is doing well!