Grade 5 Shell Poetry

bonnie-20091All the children in Grades 3 – 7 have enjoyed writing poetry with Miss Bonnie this week, using the ‘Private Eye Program’.

The Private Eye is a program about the drama and wonder of looking closely at the world, thinking by analogy, changing scale and theorizing. It’s based on a simple set of tools that produce “gifted” results.  Hands-on and investigative, The Private Eye uses everyday objects, a jeweler’s loupe (magnifier), and simple questions to develop higher order thinking skills, creativity and scientific literacy: “What is that like?”  “What else does it remind me of?” “What else does it look like?” These analogies, written in the compressed form of metaphors and similes, become the bones-for-poems.

Each of the children in Grade 5 wrote a poem after looking closely, through a loupe, at a scallop shell.  Here are a couple of them.  Can you guess which shell they were looking at?  Can you see how the shells inspired their poems?


War Shell

Barb wire getting boiled in molten lava

Bullet wounds in fallen soldiers

Blood on the white silver sand

Tears of loved ones on the lonely bed

Terrible cries of agony on the battlefield

True and noble soldiers put to the test.

My Shell

An early morning sun

Patterns like waves on the beach

A racing cheetah in the forest

Lines that are parallel,

A sandy beach from a distance,

Zig zag lightning strikes.

Grade 3 ICT Repeating Patterns


The Grade 3’s have been looking at patterns and how they are made.  In art they designed their own patterns; then made a block print from it.  They repeated and rotated their patterns.  They also designed some patterns using their ICT skills; they found the computer much quicker and easier to produce a design.

They used their design pattern to dress their models.  Take a closer look at their designs and patterns in a slideshow of their models.  Would you buy their designs?  Do you think they are trendy?

In order to develop their skills further, Mrs. Krys, a graphics designer, has volunteered to come in to help the children to create designs using Adobe Photoshop.  We look forward to seeing how they get on.

Reading Buddies have fun!

buddy-reading-29-05-09Buddy Reading is a fun way to enjoy reading.  Today, our 2nd Graders read together with our Kindergartners.  Reading to the younger children gave the Grade 2s a real sense of pride as they modeled their good reading skills.

The Kindergartners liked being with the older children and enjoyed listening to the stories that they chose to share.

Our Grade 1 and 5 classes regularly buddy read together.  The Grade 5s read to the Grade 1s and vice-versa.  Over the year, they have become familiar with one another and this has helped nurture a mutual enjoyment of reading.   Buddy reading  helps promote the development of reading skills, builds fluency and the children’s self esteem blossoms as they become more positive about their ability to read.

Bounce-a-thon 2009

The Bounce-a-thon today was a great success with all of our Preschool, Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten children bouncing to help raise money for books, playground equipment and computers.  Each child bounced for one minute by themselves and their total bounces were recorded.  They then had five minutes with their friends to bounce together.  The children had a blast.  There were lots of smiles along with a wide variety of unique bouncing techniques. 

There was also a healthy ‘Fruity Fun Bake Sale’ with delicious fruit kebabs, smoothies, lemonade and homemade baked goodies.

Again, we would like to extend a big thank you to all the families, friends, community supporters and other generous donators, together with the children themselves, for their enormous efforts.

Yeah, Mrs. Bonnie and Mr. Joel are here!

bonnie-joel-2009For the past 8 years, Mrs. Bonnie and Mr. Joel have been coming to the island to volunteer at Provo Primary School.  We love having them here and the children really look forward to their visit each year.

Mrs. Bonnie is an extremely experienced teacher and lives on the beautiful island of Victoria in Western Canada where she currently teaches university student teachers.

Whilst at Provo Primary, Mrs. Bonnie will help out in a variety of ways with her main focus being on poetry, science and Grade 6/7 guided reading.  We look forward to some exciting activities such as squid dissection, which I know is amongst one of both hers and the children’s favourites.  Mr Joel will help with teaching swimming this month and will also teach some American history.

We really appreciate them giving up their time to be here with us again this year.  Thank you Mrs. Bonnie and Mr. Joel.

Body and Brain Triathlon


Our ‘ Body and Brain Triathlon’ incorporated three challenges: Spelling, Mathematics and Aerobics. The event was a phenomenal success with the children rising to both the physical and mental challenges.  They all did their best with their spelling and number activities and enthusiastically danced, skipped, yoga stretched,  shot hoops and circuit trained to achieve their personal best in their class aerobic activities.

We would like to extend a big thank you to all the families, friends, community supporters and other generous donators, not to forget the children themselves, for their enormous efforts.

Kindergarten Learn about Pets


Miss Sarah’s Kindergarten class have been learning about pets and have turned their role play area into a pet shop.   They wrote a list of all the animals they could think of that would make good pets. They brought in their own toys from home to fill the pet shop, and wrote name labels for the pets it sells. They wrote about their perfect pet, which animal it would be and why.

In Numeracy, the children have been identifying coins and counting pennies and they have been using real money when paying for pets in the pet shop.  In Literacy, they have looked in non fiction books to find out facts about pets.  They wrote some out and shared them with each other at circle time. They also painted pictures of their favourite pet, enjoyed do-to-dot and colouring activities and made paper plate rabbits which had lots of parts which needed cutting out and sticking together.

What a super example of how our topic based curriculum is carefully designed and implemented to allow children to plan their own learning through a variety of enjoyable first hand experiences that are meaningful.  See a slideshow of them busy at work.

Grade 4 Beowulf Drama and Creative Writing



Click on below to read a couple of pieces of creative writing that were inspired by this drama re-enactment in their English lesson… [Read more…]

Junior Kindergarten Bell Ringers


Can you identify this well known nursery rhyme that the Junior Kindergarten are playing?  Let Mrs. Myrna know if your recognise the tune.

The Junior Kindergarten enjoyed playing the hand bells today.  Wow, what talent!  They carefully followed the colour-coded dots to create the music.  They really had to concentrate and follow the score.  Just think how this reflects and develops early reading skills in a fun and engaging way.

Click here to play ‘Handbell Hero’ a rhythm game where you play hand bells similar to Guitar Hero.  Okay, so it’s Christmas jingles and it’s now May, but it’s still fun and quite a challenge!

Grade 3 Design a 'Fair Test' Science Experiment


The Grade 3’s have designed a Science experiment to see which surface material will make a plasticine ball ‘splat’ the most.  After making their predictions, they set off in pairs to see if they could set up a ‘fair test’ using the equipment they were given.  To insure that their experiment was a fair test, they knew that they must change only one factor at a time while keeping all other conditions the same.

Scientists call the changing factors in an experiment variables.  The different surface materials needed to be the only changing variable, everything else needed to stay the same.

Click on to see the children working on their experiments…

[Read more…]

‘Dancescapes’ Workshop


Today during their PE lessons, the children throughout the school had the opportunity to take part in a modern dance workshop, led by choreographer Luis Kavouras and students from the University of Nevada Las Vegas’ (UNLV) Department of Dance.

After watching a few short performances that portrayed  different styles of dance, the children were taught a sequence of movements from ‘Icarus’, a modern dance piece choreographed by Luis.  The children thoroughly enjoyed this experience and it was truly amazing to see all ages, together, performing alongside  the dancers.

Click on to learn more and to see some short movie clips of the children performing the ‘Icarus’ piece… [Read more…]

3rd Place Red Cross Poster Winner


Congratulations to our Grade 3 winner in the recent Red Cross’ National poster competition.  The poster competition was judged by art professionals, independent of the TCI Red Cross.  Entries were judged based on the theme “Power of Humanity/People Helping People”.

Kindergarten have fun at the Zoo


Miss Rebecca’s Kindergarten class are enjoying their newly created ‘zoo’ role play area in their classroom. The children chose the idea of a zoo themselves to fit in with their current animal topic. They brainstormed ideas for what they might include and they created the maps, tickets, labels and craft animals that appear in the zoo. They are having great fun getting into role as different characters such as ‘receptionist’ or ‘zoo keeper’, developing their speaking and listening skills through play. Click below to see more photos…

[Read more…]

Grade 2 Science Classification Keys


In Grade 2 Science lessons this term, the children have been learning about variation of plants and animals.  They have organised them in groups according to their similarities, differences and unique characteristics.  The children have done a fantastic job in creating their own classification keys about different animals.  They answered questions about each of their animals using their keys.  The animals were made using paper art.

Smoochie Smoothies Mother's Day


A great time was had by the preschool children and their mums at the “Smoochie Smoothie Mother’s Day” event!  They started off their lovely celebration with the children singing two songs…”Friends, Friends 1,2,3, and “Way Up in the Sky”.  Then Miss Evieann read the story “Oh Baby, My Little One” as each child nestled into their mother’s lap.


They continued their party offering strawberry and banana fruit smoothies that were shared with mother and child with two straws – delicious cookies were enjoyed as well!

After their tummies were full each child gave their mother a beach bag that they had decorated themselves as a gift for Mother’s Day.

A wonderful card was given to all the mums decorated with children’s “smooches” made with lipstick prints!

A very kissable and memorable time was had by all!

Our 200th Post!

This is the 200th post on our blog and to celebrate, let’s pass on some interesting facts about the number 200:

  • 200 (two hundred) is the natural number after 199 and before 201.
  • In Roman numerals it is written CC.
  • 200 is the smallest base 10 unprimeable number – it can not be turned into a prime number by changing just one of its digits to any other digit.
  • A denomination of the euro note.
  • The sum of dollars given in the classical Monopoly game to a player passing Go.
  • The year 200 was a leap year starting with a Tuesday.

Red and White for the TCI Red Cross Appeal


In support of the TCI Red Cross Appeal Week, we had a special ‘Red and White Dress Down Day’ and raised $117.  The Red Cross is the world’s largest independent humanitarian and voluntary led organization.  The purpose of this week is to raise the awareness of and raise funds for the Red Cross. The funds raised will help the Red Cross assist in preparation, response and recovery to emergencies.  Some of the children also have designed posters for a competition and others attended the ‘Build a Red Cross Emblem’ Fun Day.  Thank you to everyone who has helped support this worthy cause.

JK Mother’s Day Tea Party


‘Sunflowers’ was the theme for the Junior Kindergarten Mother’s Day Tea Party today.  The children and mums performed to each other ‘ You are my Sunshine’  and ‘You are my Sunflower’ songs.  The children also sang, “Welcome to our Tea Time’, ‘I Love Her and She Loves Me’ and ‘M-O-M-M-Y’.   A delightful tea, with homemade cookies, cakes and snacks was served, with each child giving their mum a teacup cookie that they had decorated for them to enjoy.  The event linked in well with their topic on growth in which the children have learned all about plants.  Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the tea party – what a lovely way to celebrate Mother’s Day!