Planting a Tree for Earth Day 2009


The theme for this year’s National Trust lead Earth Day celebrations was ‘A Green Generation”.  We joined together with other primary schools on the island to participate in a tree planting ceremony at Cheshire Hall (a National Trust heritage site).  We chose to plant a Jamaican caper seeding. When we had finished planting it we celebrated by chanting out “We’re green and we’re cool, at Provo Primary School” and each of us gave our tree a special hug!  It’s great to think that in years to come we will all be able to visit our school tree and remember how we celebrated our awareness of the environment on Earth Day by planting it.   Click here to download a movie of us planting our tree.

Play some fun Earth Day games here.

Easter Egg Hunt 2009


All the children from our Preschool to Grade 6/7 classes enjoyed our  annual Easter Egg Hunt today.  Many thanks to our dedicated PTA parents who helped organise this egg-citing egg-travaganza!

Grade 1s Investigate Layered Liquids


Have you ever heard the phrase ‘oil and water don’t mix’? Well, one of our Grade 1 students and his mum taught a Science lesson to his class this week that explored what would happen if you mixed honey, juice and oil.  The children learned that these liquids don’t  mix to make a solution.   They also explored if objects floated or sunk in the mixtures.  The experiment was great fun, especially as the children got to work in partners and carry it out themselves. Pouring the liquids into the containers was a bit tricky and they discovered that they needed to pour it in very carefully. After shaking all the containers, it was amazing to see how the liquids had separated again at the end of the day.  Click on to find out more about the science behind this phenomenon and to try out an online investigation.

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Grade 3s Measuring in Science and Numeracy


The Grade 3s have been testing and measuring the strength of magnets in Science.  They had to think of a way of making the tests fair by looking at the variables closely.  They decided which variables they needed to change, and which variables needed to be kept the same?  They did some individual and group recording of their experiments.  Click here to have a go at an interactive online magnet experiment.

g3-capacity-08-04-09In Numeracy they have been looking at capacity.  To practise their measuring skills they estimated what each container would hold, then they used the measuring equipment to help them to read millilitres and litres as accurately as possible. They did really well and it was lots of fun to explore this topic through practically exploration.

Grade 4 Pop-up Books


Grade Four’s Design and Technology project for this term has been all about ‘Pop-up’ books. They researched lots of different pop up books and then designed their own. The children wrote their own stories and then tried out different types of pop ups; flaps, steps, spirals, spinners and sliders. They enjoyed sharing them with each other and other classes and teachers.  Some of the children read their books together with Miss Sian, our principal.  She was very impressed with the quality of both the pop-up designs and the stories.  She had lots of fun the opening flaps and pulling the sliders!  Well done, Miss Helen and all the Grade 4s for all your hard work on this project.  It is a great example of how Literacy skills can be taught through a creative purposeful approach.  We are sure you’ll treasure these books for years to come.

Can We Change Places? Exploring Sculptures


Grade 3 looked at how they could enhance the outdoor environment by creating sculptures. After researching into different types of sculptures they worked collaboratively in groups working on their own designs. There was lots of discussion as to how they could incorporate everyone’s ideas and lots of problem solving going on. Each sculpture was very different and the ability to listen, work and co-operate with each other made each one a huge success. They were so proud of their achievements that some of the children even organised ‘sculpture tours’ so that other children in the school could experience and appreciate them to their potential. Well done Grade 3 for designing and making such wonderful interactive creations!  Click on to see more photos of the sculptures being made and the final pieces.

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