Beautiful by Nature, Clean by Choice

Armed with gloves and bags, a group of our children from JK through to Grade 7 supported National Clean-up Day today by helping to clean up one of our popular beaches, Sapodilla Bay. We often visit this beach as an end of the year treat so this was a good beach for us to choose.  A big thank you to all the children and parents who came to support this event.

All the children from Grade 1 to Grade 7 also cleaned up our school grounds on Friday afternoon in recognition of the campaign.

Click on to see more pictures of our beach clean-up [Read more…]

“Where’s Simon, Sandy?” Author Visit

Today, we had a visit from author Donna Seim.  She has written a book called ‘Where is Simon, Sandy?’ which retells a Caribbean folktale about a donkey that wouldn’t quit.  Donna took the scene of our capital island of Grand Turk for the setting of her story.  All the children in Grades 1, 2 and 3 enjoyed listening to Donna read the story and they had plenty of comments and questions to ask her.  At the end, the children sang the TCI cultural song, ‘Dry Conch’ to Donna as a thank you.  Donna was accompanied by Mr. David Bowen, our Director of Culture.  She kindly donated a copy of the book for our library, but if you want your own copy, you can buy it at the Unicorn Bookstore.  All proceeds from the sale of the book will benefit the Turks and Caicos National Museum’s children’s programme. Learn more about Donna,  see a slideshow on the making of the book and learn some fun facts about donkeys at her website

Poppy Day 2008

When we wear a poppy, it helps us remember and be thankful for the many people who gave their lives in war for our freedom.   On Remembrance Day we were able to make a donation to the Turks and Caicos ex-Serviceman’s Legion and wear a poppy.

Learning About Our Environment in the TCI

Representatives from the National Trust are making sure that everyone is aware of the importance of maintaining the TCI’s ecosystem…and they are starting with the little ones. A group from the National Trust visited Provo Primary School yesterday…

See more photos at the TC Sporting Club website.

Curry Night and Silent Auction Success

Friends of Provo Primary (FoPPS) organised a delicious Indian meal served at Bay Bistro, together with a silent auction of beautiful art work produced by each of the classes in the school.  It was a winning combination with parents, family and friends enjoying a delightful evening.  We would like to express a big thank you to all the people who helped the children create the art work, to those who organised the evening and to Clive and Joan Whent for the first class cuisine and elegant setting.  There was a frenzy of bidding as each piece of art work was auctioned off with the encouragement of emcee Mark Dunbavand.  All in all over $4000 was raised and this will allow us to install 2 much needed A/C units in our new Hummingbird Music Room and in Miss Sarah’s Kindergarten Room. Thank you everyone.