2nd TCI National Cross Country Championship

On the morning of Friday 16th November, a group of 6 girls and 3 boys represented Provo Primary School in the National Cross Country Championships.

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Schools from all over Turks and Caicos took part and our children participated in the 1 mile event for children under 11. All of the children completed the course in quite exceptional times – bearing in mind that the team had been hit by illness over the past 2 weeks, affecting training schedules. In fact, our Girls’ Team finished within a few places of each other, demonstrating super team spirit and our best team score to date. There were only 3 boys able to compete and they all did well – our best placing being 5th overall – an outstanding achievement considering the size of our school and the number of competitors.

Well done to all our athletes, we are so proud of you!


This is a very busy time of year. We’ve already had visitors in to talk to the children, UNICEF fund raising and, of course, Christmas is fast approaching. Still the work continues – so click on the links below to see what the children wil be learning this half term.

Grade 5-6 Nov-07    Grade 4 Nov-07     Grade 3 Nov-07   Grade 1 Nov-07 

               Kindergarten Nov-07      Junior Kindergarten1 Nov-07  

   Junior Kindergarten2 Nov-07        Pre School Nov-07

UNICEF thank you – a thousand times over!

On Friday 2nd November we held a Bad Taste / Bad Hair Day in order to raise funds for UNICEF.

Throughout the week children had been collecting money from family and friends to try to help children who are less fortunate than themselves.

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The children knew that every little helped and that all the money raised would provide chidren with Fresh water, Nutrition, Health and Education that we all take for granted!

What a fantastic result -we raised $1602.50 !!!!!

This will change lives and save lives – You should all be very proud of your efforts.