Celebrating Festivities with Healthy Treats

Ooh YUMMY! Take a look at all this juicy fruit and how nicely it’s been presented. Wow, what a nice way to celebrate a birthday!

Sometimes as parents we feel that a birthday or celebration isn’t complete without a cake or other “sweet” goodies, but we have seen time and time again in school that children are just as happy sharing a colourful fruit platter with their friends and it’s healthy too! (Of course if the cake is there, many will choose the cake rather than the fruit, so why give them the choice!)

We would like to thank all parents for taking into consideration the dietary habits of other children in the class when deciding what kind of treats to send into school. Please remember that if you want to do the best for your child, begin with what you put into their little bodies and create healthy habits for the rest of their lives. Click here to view some healthy recipe websites…

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FoPPS have fun at the Beach

The first event this year organised by the Friends of Provo Primary School (FoPPS) was a fantastic success. There was a great turn out for the picnic on the beach on Saturday. It was a relaxed and fun way for new parents to meet others at the school and for staff and parents to enjoy a relaxed afternoon together.


 Not even the torrential downpour could dampen our spirits and when the sun came back out, the beach fun returned. Even JoJo heard about the event and came along to entertain us all with his antics.


Look at the slideshow to see some of the fun. FoPPS Beach Picnic

Welcome to a new school year

Welcome back to a brand new year at Provo Primary School. It was wonderful to see all the children keen and eager to begin the year with such a positive attitude.
There are some new members of our school community this term so I would like to wish a warm welcome to all the new staff, children and parents alike and hope you enjoy your time at our school.
Click on the link to find out more about our teachers. Teachers
The staff and I are looking forward to continued growth and development within the school, both in learning and the environment in which we all work.
To find out more about the work your child will be doing in this half term, click on the appropriate link.

Pre-school Sept-07     Jnr. Kindergarten 1 Sept-07

Jnr. Kindergarten 2 Sept-07     Kindergarten Sept-07

Grade 1 Sept-07     Grade 2-Sept-07

Grade 3 Sept-07     Grade 4 Sept-07     Grade 5 & 6 Sept-07

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To Everyone at Provo Primary

Hi Everyone,

I want to welcome you all back to school this year. I’m in touch with Mr. Mark, Miss Sian or Ms. Stefanie daily and I look forward to hearing about all the wonderful things that are happening and how well all of you have settled back into school. I’ve also heard about all the new children and their families and look forward to meeting them when I come down to the island.

Things are going well here in Georgia and Josh is loving his new school. As well as Floppy and her puppies, we also have two new additions to our family, Dylan and Max. Click on the pictures below to find out what kind of animals these new creatures are and see if you recognize Josh with his short hair! I’ve also attached some pictures of our house and the surrounding areas. I hope you enjoy looking at them and hope to hear from you soon, Love from Ms. Alison. You can email us all your news to: director@provolearning.com or joshwilliams1@rabungap.org. Click here to see the photos.