Money from the Bike-a-thon has provided a much needed boost to the non-fiction section of our school library.
Books were ordered to help the children research information relating to our Social Studies topics as well as books that would interest all tastes. Not only do these books cater to a wide age-range, but they cover a diverse range of subjects such as feelings, planets, habitats, dinosaurs, technology, health, crafts, music, geography and history to name but a few. As you can see from the image, these books have been sorted, classified and labelled and are now on the shelves ready for the beginning of term. Please take the time to ‘pop in’ early next term to see the difference this has made to our library – they won’t stay on the shelves long once the children see them!
A special ‘Thank you’ to all of you who cycled or walked and helped raise money for our new library books – aren’t our children lucky to have access to yet another super resource?