The toddlers have been eagerly looking forward to a visit from the Easter Bunny. Take a look at some of the Easter crafts that we have enjoyed…
A unique Primary School, offering a British based, child centred education in the Turks and Caicos Islands
The toddlers have been eagerly looking forward to a visit from the Easter Bunny. Take a look at some of the Easter crafts that we have enjoyed…
Whilst some of the children in Grades 3-5 were out of school competing in the Inter-Schools Athletics, the rest of the Grades 3-5 joined together to work on a fun problem solving activity. Supplied with only a small pile of newspapers and a roll of tape, they were set the challenge – ‘Can you design and make a chair that will support your weight?’
See a slideshow of us working on our project.
Take a closer look at the science behind this project and learn more about how we tackled this seemingly impossible structural task …
[Read more…]
Our Art and Design topic in Grade 1 for this half term is Materials. As part of this topic we have been weaving. We started by practising our skills and producing paper weavings. Click here to see our paper weavings and to see how we progressed to the next step. [Read more…]
Last week the Kindergarten Class got very messy when they experimented with writing in shaving foam. As well as getting foam everywhere, including hair, noses and t-shirts, they did all manage to complete the task of writing their names in the foam…
After school today (Monday) 14 children from Grades 4/5 and 6 made up 2 teams to play soccer against teams from Ashcroft School. Each team played 2 games and seemed to have lots of fun! The final scores were as follows:
Ashcroft ‘A’Â – 2 Â Provo Primary ‘B’ – 0
Provo Primary ‘A’ – 5Â Ashcroft ‘B’ – 0
Ashcroft ‘B’ – 0Â Â Provo Primary ‘B’ – 4
Provo Primary ‘A’Â – 0Â Â Ashcroft ‘A’Â – 0 (2-1 after penalties)Â
Having now had enough time to complete our rides, we thought you might like to see 3 of the finished, working models.
Each ride includes a video, so they make take a few minutes to upload to your computer, please be patient!
Every Friday during small group time, the Jr Ks follow recipes together. They have created foods such as berry ices, smoothies, cookies and sandwiches, and crafts such as playdough and salt dough sculptures. Click below see pictures of how the children worked together to create these fabulous recipes.
Run, run, as fast as you can, you can’t catch me I’m the gingerbread man…
This term the Toddlers have had great fun listening to lots of stories, one of their favourite’s was the tale of the little gingerbread boy.
After reading the story the Toddlers had a go at decorating and eating their own gingerbread men. We also had a go at making gingerbread men from playdough. Take a look at how we got on.
One of the final events in our Book Week was a Book Swap.
Children brought in a selection of books that they had read several times and then had the opportunity to choose another that was new to them. Hopefully many children went home with another exciting read!
Yesterday, the Grade 1 and 3 got together to share and read books together. The Grade 3s read popular picture books to the Grade 1s and in return, the Grade 1s read their reading books to them. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves and are looking forward to our next reading buddy time.
Click here to see more pictures and to read comments that the children made…
On Thursday, the older children were ‘book buddies’ for the younger ones: this meant that they chose a book that younger children might like, read it so as they knew what it was all about, then shared it with some younger children (remembering to use expression and to let them see the pictures).
Last week we had a visit from Inspector Duncan, don’t worry the children weren’t in trouble! [Read more…]
Our highly successful Book Week continued tonight when the children returned to school at 5.00pm dressed in their nightclothes and clutching their cuddlies to hear some stories.
The second day of Book Week saw the children of Provo Primary taking part in the annual Bike/Walk-a-thon! Great fun was had by all and the children really tried their best to complete as many laps as they could in 30 minutes.
View Grade 1 – 6 Slideshow     View Kindergarten Slideshow
                          View Pre-School Slideshow
The money raised will purchase much needed books for the school. So a big “THANK YOU” to everyone who has supported or will be supporting the school in this fantastic fundraising event!
We have lots of activities planned as part of Book Week, so keep checking the Blog to see what we have been getting up to!
“TV. If children are entertained by two letters, imagine the fun they’ll have with twenty-six. Open your child’s imagination. Open a book.”
Book Week 2007 started today with over a hundred characters from different books visiting the school!
The children (and staff) came to school dressed as a character from a book they had read. Many of the children went to great lengths to depict their character with costumes, face paints and often props!
As part of our technology this term Grade 6 are building rotating fairground rides; some are based on carousels (horizontal rotation) and some on ferris wheels (vertical rotation). The objective was to make our rides rotate using cogs, pulleys, motors and batteries.
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