Grade 2 Enjoying Yoga!


In the last few weeks, Grade 2’s have been practicing some yoga poses as part of the school day. The children really enjoy it!

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Grade 3 Rainforest Art

Have a look at our amazing rainforest artwork! Click below to see more of our paintings and to learn how we created them…


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Provo Primary Steel Pan Performance a ROARING Success!


Last Friday night saw a number of visitors come to the school including a steel pan playing lion. All was going well until the lion chased away the drummer. Fortunately, there was another one in the house and the show was able to continue!

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Grade 1 Singing and Poetry


In Grade 1 we love to sing! We have been practising every day! Click on to hear us sing and to read the lyrics. We have also enjoyed writing a class poem.
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Grade 4/5 Remembers


November is the time of the year when we wear a red poppy in memory of those who sacrificed their lives for us during wars. Grade 4/5 have been looking at artefacts from World Wars One and Two. We have learnt about famous poets who fought in World War One, including: Rupert Brooke and Wilfred Owen. We have written our own poems about World War One.

Look at our fantastic work!

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How do you learn?


Everyday at school, children face new challenges. Some of us are better at one subject than another, some of us are good at singing and dancing and some of us are good at P.E. Everyone shines in their own way. You might find it interesting to complete this questionnaire online; it can show you what kind of learner you are. It will also tell you whether you are more dominant using your left brain (verbal, mathematical, analytical) or right brain (visual, artistic) or use both equally.

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Toddler Fun!


We’ve been learning about the family and have been dressing up as mummies and daddies amongst other things. We’ve also been learning about healthy eating, sweet and sour and hot and cold foods.

Click here to see a slideshow of our pictures

If you go down to the Rainforest today . . .

Grade 6 have begun creating a little piece of rainforest in Provo Primary School.


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Multiplication Patterns

In Grade 3 we are learning our multiplication tables. We found patterns in each of the tables and created posters to show them. Read on to learn more…


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Animal Signs

In Kindergarten we have been learning British Sign Language and this week we learned some animal signs. Which animal name do you think we are signing in this picture?


Read the rest of this entry to find out…and to guess some more animal signs!

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Join us for a Night of Jazz


Grade 1 Self-Portraits


In Grade 1 we have been drawing and painting Self-Portraits. We began by practising drawing the shapes for the eyes, nose, mouth and ears. We then drew and painted our Self-Portraits in stages. We looked closely at our features in mirrors as we drew and painted. We mixed different paints to ensure we got the right colours for our hair, eyes and lips.

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A Thousand Thanks!

Last Friday was ‘Bad Taste/Bad Hair’ Dress Down Day in order to raise money for UNICEF.

Throughout the week children had collected from friends and family as well as from their own funds because they knew that just a little would make a difference to other children .

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Wow, What a fantastic result!!! Over $1,000 was collected which will go to help children have clean water, good health, education and adequate food.

You have made a difference to hundreds of children – well done every single one of you!!

Click here to see more of the day.