Steel Pan News

David Gettes, steel pan builder, tuner and performer is coming to Provo on November 19th.


During his visit, David will be tuning Provo Primary School’s steel drums and working with groups of children from the school, showing them a little about tuning and developing their playing technique.

David will also be performing at various places around town during his short stay. He will be playing at Iguanas restaurant on Monday 20th November and at Providenciales Primary School on Friday 24th November. The Friday performance will be specifically for children and will involve a story telling session in addition to steel pan performances.

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Grade 4/5 Literacy

In Literacy we have been reading ‘The Sheep Pig’ by Dick King-Smith.

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Make a difference today!


‘We all have the ability. The difference is how we use it.’ Stevie Wonder.

28th of October is ‘Make a Difference Day’. In grade 2 we have been talking about how we can make a difference.

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Rainforest Music and Numeracy Investigations!

The Grade 3’s have started a topic on Tropical Rainforests. In music, we composed our own piece of music called ‘Voices of the Rainforest’. We thought of the different animals that we might hear and used percussion instruments for their voices.

Click here if you would like to hear us performing our voices-of-the-rainforest.mp3

Look at the photo above and see if you can hear the different instruments we are playing.

We have also been exploring area and perimeter in Numeracy and would like to share some of our investigations with you and link you to a few great websites that we have enjoyed.

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UNICEF – Kids Helping Kids!

Today we began our 4th annual collection for UNICEF.

In our school assembly, we learned about UNICEF and how it helps children around the world to have access to basic things like medicine, clean water, food, and an education.

boite.gifWe learned how we could all make a big difference to the lives of other children, by fund raising for money to put into our little orange boxes and by donating a dollar on our special ‘Bad Taste or Bad Hair Day’ dress-down day on Friday 27th October.

We learned that we truly have the power to change the world, because it only takes pennies to save a life! Every penny counts, with only 7 cents paying for crayons for a class of children, or $1 to pay for a shot that helps children not get sick.2006_wymcb_pdf.gif

Help your child learn the importance of helping others in need and to feel empowered to make a real difference. Talk to them about how they could fund raise at home, e.g., by doing chores and remind them to return their orange box on dress-down Day, Friday 27th October for the big count up!
gametruck.GIFLearn even more about how UNICEF helps children by playing the UNICEF World Heroes game. Your mission: collect essential supplies in your UNICEF truck, and deliver them to kids in need around the world!

Grade 6 Enjoy Working with Others.

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From painted footprints with Kindergarten to soccer with Grades 5 and 6 at Palencia Academy to photography with Mrs Krys, Grade 6 have enjoyed helping and working with all of these people

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Provo Hockey League Registration

Are you ready to rumble?


If so, hurry on down to Graceway Sports Centre and enroll your child in the inline skating hockey programme, run by the infamous Provo Hockey League (PHL).

Final registration is today Saturday 21st October from 12-2 pm and practices begin from 2-5.30 pm on the same day.

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History Matters

Although most of us were not born in the Turks and Caicos Islands, this is where we live and it is important to know how it got to be the way it is now. Miss Marva from Palencia Academy has been doing a Social Studies project which includes looking at the history of the islands. We’ve found that different groups of people have inhabited the islands at different times leaving their mark. They came, and left, for different reasons but have all contributed to the way that Turks and Caicos has developed. We will also help shape how it continues to develop.
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Click here to see more of our findings.

Click here to learn more at the Turks and Caicos Museum website.

Click here to visit the Turks and Caicos National Trust Website. 

Grade 1 are Authors of the future!


We started our two week topic on Non-Fiction writing last week. We began by looking at different Non-Fiction books and made a shared list of their features. We discussed the purpose of each of the features and used our checklist to decide whether different books were Non-Fiction or Fiction.

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Grandma & Grandpa's Glasses!


This week during circle time, the Junior Kindergarten class talked about ‘The Family’. Their main focus was ‘The Grandparents’. The children were able to share their knowledge about their grandparents and their family in general.

Read on to see the Jr. Ks making grandma and grandpa’s glasses and hats! [Read more…]

Exciting New Developments for all Bloggers

Many of you have enjoyed reading and watching the latest news about the children at Provo Primary. Now you are welcome to leave any comments about the blog in general or about a specific entry. Please be positive and constructive – all entries will be reviewed and then posted as part of the site.

I am pleased to announce that we are taking part in ‘History Matters’ national blog. 17th October 2006 has been designated National Blog Day and Provo Primary will have their contribution accepted as part of a snapshot of life in the 21st century. Look out for the published article.

The Beanbag Bop!


Since the beginning of term, the Senior Kindergarteners have been working out to the Silly Willy Workout exercise video and their favourite part of the programme is the Beanbag Bop.

Read on to see the kindergarten class in action with their beanbags!

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Grade 2 are having a ssssuper time!

Grade 2’s have been working hard so far this year. We followed instructions to make these sssuper sock snakes! Read on to find out some of the other things we have been doing…


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Grade 3 rocks in all kinds of weather!

Grade 3 have been busy studying rocks in Science, and Weather in Art and Social Studies.


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Has Floppy had babies?


Has Floppy had babies? Rumor has it that two new pups seen at school are the children of Floppy the Dog!

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Contratulations Miss Jeannette – It’s a Girl!

Miss Jeannette gave birth to healthy 7lb baby girl, Raven, on Friday afternoon. She went to Mytle Rigby Clinic at 2:30pm and baby Raven was born before 3:00pm! Mum and baby are both doing well and hope to be home this weekend. We all wish you the best!


A fantastic start to Grade 4/5!

Grade 4/5 have had a fantastic start to the new school year! Look at us working hard and enjoying ourselves!


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Why Not Become a Member of Our Local Library?



Here are two students who are members of our local library here on Provo and regularly go to the ‘Readers Club’ on Saturday mornings. I met up with them there to find out more. [Read more…]

School Meals’ success continues

Due to the success of the trial period, we are extending the menu offered to children in school. Hot lunches will now be available Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Judging by the children’s (and parents’) comments, I am sure they will be a popular option! Click on the link to see October’s menu.


After School Clubs

Children will have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of ‘after school’ clubs starting on Monday October 2nd. These include Yoga, Sports, Crafts and Steel Band to name a few. Clubs cost $8 per session- please see the office for booking forms. Click on the link below to see this term’s choices.


Providenciales Primary School Senior Steel Band are tuning up and raring to go!.

After only two music lessons this term, the children in Provo Primary School Senior Steel Band are already playing three songs: Calypso Warm Up, Jamaica Farewell and Matilda. These young musicians are taking it very seriously this year and I have no doubt that they will be out in the community playing in no time. If you happen to enter the school during recess times, you may hear them practising in their spare time and WOW do they sound good!!!

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